There are many different kinds of medical vapes that you can get, but they all work similarly. They heat your herbs or concentrates to the point where they form a vapor, and you inhale it through a mouthpiece.
There are many different types of vaporizers, and each one has its benefits and drawbacks. There are portable dry herb vapes, portable wax vapes, desktop vaporizers, and desktop wax vapes.
What type of medical vape is best for you? That depends on what you’re looking for. If you want something discreet that looks like a pen, go with a dry herb or wax pen vaporizer. Go with a desktop vaporizer if you prefer something bulky and don’t mind people knowing that you vape.
Portable vaporizers are small in size and very convenient to use. They work on batteries, which run dry after some time, but they are easily rechargeable through USB. These devices can be used with dry herbs or other liquid concentrates, like oil or wax.
Desktop vaporizers have to be kept on a table for using them effectively as they run on electricity. They can provide more power than portable vapes and can be used by multiple people at one time with their long tubes known as whips.